Embryo Freezing

What is embryo freezing? Embryo freezing is also known as embryo cryopreservation. Cryopreservation is the process of freezing tissue or cells. In this case, the fertilised egg (embryo) is frozen.…

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New focus on fertility preservation

Imagine being diagnosed with a life-changing disease. Now imagine being told that because of your disease you cannot have children, before you had even thought about starting a family of…

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The Risks of Pregnancy after 35

Women are waiting longer and longer to have children and often don't realise the risks of pregnancy after 35. This has medical professionals concerned about the risks for both the…

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femometer® Smart Fertility Tracker

What is the femometer basal body thermometer? If you want to get pregnant fast, you need to have regular unprotected sex during the female partner"s ovulation time window. However, this…

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